Corpus Christi Parish

...Your Relationship with God

Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation I
Religious Education I Corpus Christi School I Spiritual Formation I Prayers I Links

Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation

Parish policy requires family registration in the parish for parents of children who are to be baptized. Parents will participate in group instructional meetings with other parents whose children are to be baptized. If you are new to the parish and/or need to register, contact the Parish Center at 201-288-4844.

First Holy Communion
Students enrolled in Corpus Christi School and students registered in religious education classes require two years of religious instruction in preparation for this sacrament, beginning in Grade 1.

Individuals not enrolled in Corpus Christi's elementary school or religious education classes may qualify for reception of this sacrament through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Contact the Parish Center for more information, 201-288-4844.

Homebound Parishioners
Parishioners confined to the home should contact the Parish Center, 201-288-4844, to arrange for a priest or Eucharistic Minister to bring communion to their home.

Confirmation classes are necessary for students preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, which is for qualified students. Contact the Parish Center for more information, 201-288-4844.

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Religious Education

Providing children with a moral and religious background is of great importance to everyone in our parish. While parents have the primary and sacred responsibility to educate their children in the faith, the parish provides religious education to assist parents in this obligation by providing formal instruction.

In addition to attending mass every Sunday, all children in our parish family are encouraged to attend either Corpus Christi School or our parish Religious Education Program.

As part of the program, students in appropriate grades are prepared to receive the sacraments of First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation.

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Corpus Christi School

Corpus Christi School is competitive with other schools in our deanery academically. Registrations are accepted for students from grades PreK through Grade 8. On the average, Corpus Christi students achieve the 88th percentile or higher on the Terra Nova Standardized test, graduates are academically qualified and confident of themselves, and 98 percent are accepted into local Catholic High Schools. This is the result of the combined efforts of parish, faculty, staff, parents, and students working together in a serious and prayerful school environment. Students are asked to serve in the community by getting involved and participating in extracurricular parish and school activities. Call 201-288-0614.

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Spiritual Formation

The parish encourages adults to grow in their spirituality by taking advantage of opportunities on both the parish and archdiocesan level. These include: Christian Foundations for Ministry, Catechist Certification Courses, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.), Parish Missions, and Small Christian Communities.

  • Christian Foundations for Ministry, a three-year program of spiritual formation & education offered by the archdiocese, for those who would like to enrich their knowledge of the Catholic faith, deepen their own spiritual life, become involved in parish or archdiocesan ministries, enhance their current involvement in and understanding of ministry in the Church and in the world. It provides foundational courses in Catholic theology, spirituality, scripture, sacraments, evangelization, and the development of ministerial skills.

  • Catechist Certification Courses, offered by the archdiocese for catechist preparation and certification, as well as ongoing enrichment.

  • Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (and Children) is a process which assists adults by providing instruction and information about the Catholic faith and the sacraments of initiation (baptism, communion, and confirmation) for those who:
    • are interested in becoming Catholic
    • want a refresher course on the faith, especially those who have drifted away from the church and have come back
    • were baptized as infants, but never had any religious education or received any other sacraments
    • never received Confirmation
    • are curious about being part of the Church family
    • are able to make a mature and free decision to become full members of the Church

  • Parish Missions, generally held once a year, are directed by a visiting preacher for the benefit and spiritual growth of parishioners.

  • Small † Christian Communities is a continuation of the successful national program, Renew 2000. Parishioners meet in small faith-sharing communities, which provide them with an opportunity to develop strong spiritual ties and faith relationships with other members of the parish through active discussions of everyday matters concerning their faith. Groups are encouraged to put their faith into action through community outreach. Such groups include:
    • Renew Groups
    • Prayer Groups
    • Faith-Sharing Groups

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What is prayer? Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God - a surge of the heart - a look toward Heaven - a cry of recognition and love - both in trial and in joy. Prayer is the response of faith in God - the response of trust and love for God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

The purpose of our prayers is to respond to the love God shows for us. Prayers are "ACTS" of our mind and heart; this acronym reminds us what our prayers should include.

  • A - Adoration and praise of the God who made us and provides for us.
  • C - Contrition and sorrow for our failure to love God and our neighbor as we should.
  • T - Thanksgiving for God’s goodness and all His gifts.
  • S - Supplication to God to help in all our needs, the needs of those we love, and the needs of our neighbors.

Prayer Brochures
Does God Answer Your Prayers?
Give Thanks For What You Have: What Do You Have?
Back To School: Blessing or Burden?
Summer Prayers to Try at Home or Away

Visit prayer sites online.

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please check with the Parish Center for information and queries.
